Pregnancy Glow
Two gentle products to keep your face and body soft, supple, and nourished while you grow an adorable, squishy little human.
Face Hero to keep your face perfectly protected, balanced, and bouncy morning and night. (Also helpful if you need to fake that elusive pregnancy glow you so desperately deserve).
Oil Over to soothe and hydrate your belly, butt, and boobs, support collagen production, and leave not even one single drop of greasy residue. Maybe to help with stretch marks. Mostly because it smells nice and feels lovely.
This set makes a terrific gift for your pregnant best mate, brow wizard, or basketball coach. It’s also an excellent gift for you. Growing a human is utterly miraculous and right now by law you must indulge in a bucket load of self-care. And eat biscuits. Lots of biscuits.
Important! The best person to go to for advice while you’re pregnant is your doctor or OBGYN. They will always know what is best for you and your baby.